The Nourafchan Foundation sponsors an orphanage in a remote village outside of Mombasa, Kenya. The orphanage, known as the Sheikh Mabarak Mohammad Al Nahayan Orphanage (SMO), has over 100 orphans and 2 full-time staff, who are all fully supported by TNF with food, lodging and other provisions like mattresses, toys, clothes, and books.
The orphans find their way to the orphanage via word of mouth or are usually taken by relatives of their deceased parents. Before they are taken in, the administrator at the orphanage asks the relatives to bring in the child’s birth certificate as well the death certificate of the deceased parents.
The orphanage facility includes outdoor kitchens and rooms with bunk beds for the kids. The facility was tremendously over capacity, at which point, TNF funded and built an entirely new wing to increase the number of orphans that may be supported. The new wing will support an additional 50 orphans, bringing the total to around 150 orphans.
As part of the new wing, TNF has also built workrooms, which will allow for the provision of vocational training to the orphans. Social programs and skills will be taught to the kids such as farming, carpentry, gardening, housework, cleaning, cooking, and sewing in order to enable them to venture into the real world and survive on their own.